Personal Coaching

If Better is Possible, Is Good, Good Enough?


What do you WANT in life?

What is STOPPING you from having it?

Who is the REAL You?

Why are YOU here?

What is your TRUE MISSION in life?


Discover the answers to these questions and more during your own Personal Coaching Sessions. Don’t be one of the crowd, who after spending thousands of dollars on impersonal seminars, self improvement courses, or motivational workshops, find that after a few weeks, the drive and motivation they experienced at their program was more hype than substance with the effects quickly fading away until they are left with nothing but a pleasant memory and a lot of buyers remorse.

Personal Coaching is just that…Personal!

During your own individual Coaching Sessions, Author and Coach, Ben S. Howard will guide you, one-on-one, along your own very special journey of personal discovery. Using his proven processes and techniques, you will gain the tools and insights necessary to empower you to live the life you are meant to have.

Signup For Personal Coaching Today!